Are Tensator Hand Gel Stations required to rescue sportsmanship in football?
Apparently the crafty Swedes are advising players NOT to shake hands….
What effect would this have in the business world if the handshake was banned? Or global politics… imagine Obama refusing to shake hands with Gordon Brown?
Tensator Hand Gel Stations are clearly required to tackle infection control wherever and whenever a handshake could occur.
Tensator’s innovative Hand Gel Station can be installed in any environment to provide germ protection on the go, when utilised with Spirigel® – the hand disinfectant of choice in many hospitals, proven to be effective against H1N1, bird flu and other viruses.
The Station can be used as a standalone dispenser solution or as a post package to create a sanitation area, guiding visitors towards the hand gel unit. Tensator also offer eye-catching “PLEASE STOP AND GEL” printed webbing, to enable you to communicate the importance of germ protection and reduce the risk to your business.
The Hand Gel Station fits onto any existing Tensabarrier system and the acrylic insert fits into Tensator’s sign frame, enabling you to quickly and easily transform your existing products into a germ prevention unit.
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