Tensator’s Newest Partnership: An interview with IBC

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As one of IBC’s newest Preferred Suppliers, Tensator® is actively pursuing business opportunities with its network of Independent Distributors and end user customers. We sat down with Rich Poole, IBC’s VP, Industrial Division, to discuss how Tensator’s queue management, Tensabarrier® and safety barriers, as well as handrail systems, offer a broad scope for application across its network.  

Tell me a little bit about IBC and its customers.

IBC has 103 distributors with over 200 locations in the United States. We primarily focus on manufacturing in the automotive, aerospace, and agriculture industries. Through this dedicated network of distributors, we support over 150 end user locations. Our focus is on reducing costs and improving solutions for our end users.

Tensator® is a new IBC Preferred Supplier, can you please share with us the kind of demand you’re seeing in the market for queue management and safety barriers, as well as handrail systems?

IBC’s clients are constantly looking to expand their footprint, and the safety market is a prime area for growth. As both our distributors and end user customers seek to maximize the benefits offered by IBC, they encouraged us to expand our offering of Preferred Suppliers in the safety product category. Tensator® is a perfect match for all of our clients because the product lines provide IBC with an opportunity to offer value-added products to all of our clients.

Are there any trends in safety that are top of mind for your clients?

Queue management and safety barriers, along with handrail systems are required by more and more manufacturing facilities. Having a provider and supporter of this type of product enables our clients to provide a safer workplace environment.

Are new OSHA safety regulations a factor in your clients’ decision making process?

Yes, our experience is that end user customers have strict compliance with OSHA regulations.  Two of IBC end user customers have had serious accidents within the a few months; we have noticed a significant increase in safety precautions at plant locations as well as an increase in the request for innovative safety products.

What features are your clients most interested in when looking for queueing and safety barriers?

Our end user clients are very interested in safety; ensuring associates are in designated safe-areas. They utilize barriers in their cafeterias and parking lots. They look for products that are easy to use, adaptable to different uses and cost effective.

From a partner standpoint, what key qualities does the relationship between Tensator® and IBC bring to market?

IBC has a very wide breadth of distributors whose end users’ facilities have many applications for Tensator’s product offering. The various ways their products are utilized cannot be overstated. With such a diverse group of distributors, the opportunities for business are vast.

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