Tensator enters the Big Brother House

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It’s not every day the Tensabarrier® gets to feature in front of 1.5 million television viewers on Channel 5, but that’s what happened recently when Tensator responded to a call from hit reality show Big Brother.

When the production team at Big Brother on Channel 5 were looking for some props for a task called ‘Turf Wars’ in July, they called Tensator. Enter our Tensabarriers® to save the day.

The Tensabarriers® were used when the two teams inside the Big Brother House were split into blue and green teams.

When the Green Team won use of the kitchen, Big Brother used green webbing and four chrome Tensabarriers ® to mark out the team’s territory. Meanwhile, the Blue Team won the garden and Big Brother marked out their territory using more Tensabarriers® and some blue webbing.

The barriers stayed in the Big Brother House for five days whilst the task was completed.

Big Brother called us in the middle of June and asked to borrow a number of posts for a task. Because of the security surrounding the show, the production team couldn’t specify at that time what tasks the Tensabarriers® were for but advised they needed different colour webbing.

What we did know was Big Brother needed the posts by 2nd July for a task that commenced that week. They needed eight posts, half with red and half with blue webbing. At short notice they changed the red webbing to green, but we were able to accommodate this with ease and delivered the posts to them within 10 days.

We were obviously delighted to provide equipment for the show, and so was Natalie Jennings, task researcher at Big Brother who told us she was impressed that Tensator was able to provide the Tensabarriers® at such short notice, and the way they looked on screen. She added that the barriers were ideal to visually outline the territories within the Big Brother House House that each team managed to conquer during the task challenges.

The partnership with Big Brother has meant huge national exposure for Tensator in the UK, and we’re delighted to say that our partnership will continue. The Big Brother team were so happy with the Tensabarriers® that they’ve just requested some Tensator Post and Rope products for an upcoming task!

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