On track and in the headlines in Poland

manual call forward queuing

The trial of our eQ™ SLQ3000 at Warsaw Central Railway Station is proving to be big news in Poland.

Our team has installed the single line queuing solution in the main hall of the station, which is the largest in the capital and comprises of eight passenger tracks across four platforms.

Serving 16 cash desks, the SLQ3000 is a next generation call forward system, capable of incorporating digital media. Users are also able to manage a database of reporting information, as well as controlling advertising messages and promotions. Calling passengers forward from a single line to the next available service position, the solution helps speed up passenger flow by up to 25 per cent.

The installation has certainly grabbed the attention of the Polish media, with news of our efforts making it into newspapers, magazines and even local radio and TV reports.

The concept of single line queuing is a relatively new one in Poland, hence the high levels of interest. Where it is in use, it tends to be in retail outlets, such as Carrefour and Tesco, and also at airports. So for Polish Railways to bring the concept onto the station concourse is a bold move.

As the trial continues, we look forward to helping Polish rail passengers start their journey in the quickest, most stress-free way possible. A rollout for stations throughout Poland is also on the cards, so the team is braced for a little bit more media attention.

Autograph hunters are invited to form an orderly (single line) queue!

Details on our full range of eQ™ products can be found here.

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