In a customer-facing environment, effective queueing systems are crucial.
The importance of queuing systems is three-fold…
- From a safety perspective, poor queuing systems can lead to overcrowding and in light of COVID-19, unnecessary contact between customers.
- From an operational perspective, poor queuing systems can lead to a drop in productivity from staff as they spend time trying to organise the queue.
- From a monetary perspective, if customers decide to leave the queue, or are put off from even joining, this leads to a loss of profits.
In some instances, a customer will not consider returning to a business that has poor, unmanaged queues. Putting good queue management systems in place helps to automate the queuing process whilst improving service, safety, and gaining customer loyalty.
Many customer-facing environments, whether it is in a store, a post office or a train station, believe that once someone is in the queue the sale is effectively won. Strictly speaking, this isn’t true. ‘Walkaways’ occur where a person exits the queue without completing their purchase or resolving the purpose of the visit. It’s difficult to measure the true cost of walkaways to a business, but putting good queuing systems in place can help reduce the possibility of people leaving the queue.
If you’re looking for ways to effectively manage queues during the COVID-19 pandemic, check out our social distancing and safer queuing products. You can get a copy of the brochure below:

Queuing systems to solve queue organisation issues and improve staff efficiencies
Our Tensabarrier range has many applications, one of those being a solution to help organise queues. Tensabarrier posts can be used to create clearly marked queues and are a fully portable system that can be brought out to accommodate peak queuing times.
We’ve designed our eQ™ Electronic Call Forward system (ECF) to call shoppers forward to the next available desk. Incorporating an eQ™ system into your queuing environment increases operational efficiencies as it automates the process of the next customer being called forward.
Queuing systems to keep customers engaged
Many customers do appreciate that queues are inevitable. How you manage your customers once they’re in the queue to ensure they don’t become a walkaway is an important part of queue management. Solutions such as In-Queue Merchandising and InQ-tv can help distract queuing customers, as well as generating additional profits from impulse purchases.
Our exclusive Tensator Virtual Assistant is another great example of how technology can be used to entertain customers whilst they wait. The Tensator Virtual Assistant utilises state-of-the-art technology to project a fully customisable illusion of a live person. It’s been proven to enhance the in-store customer experience as well as increase sales more than traditional signage.
The importance of queuing systems – further solutions
For further information about topic of queue management as a whole – why not take a look at our brand new guide? To download, please click below.