How much are walk-aways costing your business?

manual call forward queuing

How much are walk-aways costing your business?

In a recent survey carried out by Tensator 97% of people admitted to walking away from a queue. Did you know that we can deliver a 96% reduction in walk-aways?

We have a tool on our website which, with 3 easy pieces of information, can calculate in seconds the ROI your business could experience.

Tensator have helped numerous customers increase their revenues!

queue management

5 Tips To Manage People Queuing Outdoors

Why is preparing for people queuing outdoors important? Managing people queuing outdoors can be a challenge for any business. Especially when there are large crowds. If visitors are queuing for an event in busy venues, or waiting in line to go on a ride at a crowded theme park, managing your queue is crucial to […]

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queue management blog

Event Signage: More Than One Direction

Why is event signage important for your venue? Well, when the world is a stage, first impressions are crucial. Your welcome signage could be the first thing an attendee sees as they walk in. It should be eye-catching and relevant to deliver the maximum impact. Otherwise, your visitors may difficulty finding their intended location. Implemented […]

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