Our Policies

We believe in being open and transparent about how we conduct our business

This includes our financial contributions, environmental impact and the commitments to our customers. We constantly strive to abide by current legislation and meet regulations that govern our industry.

All information on our policies can be found here, but should you require further information please contact us and we will be happy to provide any details.

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Terms & Conditions

As a global business, we abide by the regulations and legislation of the countries our offices reside in and therefore have different Terms and Conditions for each.

Tensator® UK


Tensator® USA


Tensator® France


Tensator® Germany


Tensator® Poland


Tensator® Dubai


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One of Tensator’s core values is to uphold sound, responsible and fair business operations. The Company is committed to promoting and maintaining the highest possible ethical standards in relation to all of its business activities. Tensator’s reputation for maintaining ethical and lawful business practices is of paramount importance and this policy is designed to preserve these values.

Tensator therefore has a zero tolerance policy towards any form of corruption, including but not limited to making, receiving, or accepting any bribe, corrupt payment, kickback, or facilitation payment, to or from anyone, anywhere in the world.

To read our full Anti Bribery policy:



Anti-Money Laundering

To read our full Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions Compliance policy:




Tensator Limited (the Employer, we, our or us) is committed to upholding and providing information about our Staff Members’ rights in relation to making qualified and protected disclosures (i.e. whistleblowing), to help our organisation operate with honesty and integrity.


Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking

Tensator is committed to understanding modern slavery and human trafficking risks in its corporate activities and to ensuring that its supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.  Please download our policy to read our full statement.



Equal Opportunities & Procedure

Tensator Limited is an equal opportunity employer and promotes a culture of fairness in the workplace in line with the Equality Act 2010. It is the Company’s policy to treat all employees and job applicants fairly and equally based solely on ability, training and experience.


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Tax Strategy

Here at Tensator®, we believe in being transparent about our tax contributions and our commitment to be fully compliant with our regulatory obligations and legislation. We have implemented a tax strategy to ensure the integrity of our internal systems and frameworks to reduce risk and correct payment of tax.

To read our full tax strategy:


Anti-Facilitation of Tax Evasion Policy

To read our full Anti-Facilitation of Tax Evasion Policy:


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At Tensator®, we are committed to caring for the environment and continuously strives to reduce our environmental impact. Sensitive to the wishes of customers, we endeavour to make environmentally sound choices when it comes to raw materials, production processes and transport.

Energy Efficiency

We are committed to reducing both direct and indirect carbon emissions from the energy used in its buildings, transport and manufacturing.

Waste Management

We strive to make the best use of resources; reducing packaging materials and utilising 100% recycled card packaging.

Sustainable Resources

Wherever possible we use materials from sustainable (managed) sources to protect resources for future generations.

Fair Trade

We are committed to sourcing materials and products and developing partnerships with suppliers who share common principles of fair and honest trading.


We are committed to conforming to industry standard guidelines and are pleased to have received the ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 certifications.

queue management

5 Tips To Manage People Queuing Outdoors

Why is preparing for people queuing outdoors important? Managing people queuing outdoors can be a challenge for any business. Especially when there are large crowds. If visitors are queuing for an event in busy venues, or waiting in line to go on a ride at a crowded theme park, managing your queue is crucial to […]

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queue management

Event Signage: More Than One Direction

Why is event signage important for your venue? Well, when the world is a stage, first impressions are crucial. Your welcome signage could be the first thing an attendee sees as they walk in. It should be eye-catching and relevant to deliver the maximum impact. Otherwise, your visitors may difficulty finding their intended location. Implemented […]

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